Canadian & Australian Champion
Baliwick F Lee Bailey (Imp USA)
"Bailey" was co-owned by
Nola Westren and Fay Thomasen
from 30th August 2004 till 28th April 2009
Bailey was released from Quarantine on the 30th October 2004
In Australia Bailey lived with, was shown to his title and
cared for by his co-owner Fay Thomasen
(except for a 5 day stay with
Nola Westren
from the 1st to the 6th April 2005)
Bailey was transferred into both names before leaving
Happily, recent
proceedings in the Supreme Court of New South Wales were dismissed on 21st April
2009 after
Nola Westren agreed to pay Fay Thomasen
- Fay Thomasen agreed to transfer her half share
of Bailey in return for such payment from Nola Westren.

28/4/09 - Bailey at
play in my backyard prior to going to his new home.
Bailey was VET check by a local
and well known VET
Male Toy Poodle 3.5kg 6years and 6 months found
to be Healthy normal heart, eyes,
good body condition, bright and alert, microchip checked - 136872295A prior
to leaving for his new home..

28/4/09 - Bailey just before going to his new home.

Photo of Bailey in Canada before coming to Australia.

(Australian Champions)
(Puppy's & Information)
(Imports and Exports)

Australian Champion Sarahill Prima Vista (imp Finland)

Australian & New Zealand
Renoir Its Gotta Bee Me
(Imp New Zealand)

International &
Finnish Ch Lefay Fiddler On The Roof

International, Finnish, Swedish, Estonian, Belarusian, Lithuanian,
Azores Winner 07
& Australian Ch
Lefay Terror Rules

New Zealand Champion Lefay Prima La Devine
Swedish Ch
Lefay Love The Look

International, Finnish, Belarusian & Estonian Champion Lefay Leading Issue

Canadian & Aust Ch Baliwick F Lee Bailey (Imp USA)
Fay Thomasen
P.O. Box 962
Seven Hills. N.S.W. Australia
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